Review conditions

Reviews of our service and products are very valuable to other customers, so we handle them with the utmost care. Intertaping.BV only posts reviews from customers and people who have actually tried the product.

Reviews about the experience with Intertaping are placed on TrustPilot, there is always a customer order linked to this. The posted reviews are moderated by TrustPilot as an independent intermediary. Both positive and negative reviews about Intertaping BV are posted.

From May 28, 2022, the guidelines for placing product reviews have been tightened and only reviews will be posted whose e-mail address can be linked to a customer order with which the reviewed product was purchased. Reviews posted before this date cannot all be traced back to an order. Intertaping BV does not pay for the posting of reviews, when reviews are reimbursed by a third party, this is stated.

How do we rate reviews?

Intertaping BV only posts reviews from customers and people who have actually used the product, even when it is negative or neutral. Before the review is posted, we manually check whether it is genuine and meets our review conditions. When the product has been purchased on, we will mention this in the review. Intertaping BV does not pay for reviews, when a reviewer has been reimbursed by another party, this is stated.

Posted product reviews are manually reviewed by our customer service, if something does not go according to plan, we will contact the relevant customer. The review will be online within 1 to 3 business days. Both negative and positive reviews will be posted on the site.

Reviews that we will not post contain one of the following:

  • You did not purchase the item via
  • Bad or offensive language
  • Questions about the status of the order or the price
  • Commercial content without explicit mention
  • URL to other websites
  • Opinions or statements that have nothing to do with the experience of the article